Retired Law Enforcement CCW LEOSA – HR218

This course satisfies the training requirements outlined by the Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act (LEOSA) for qualified law enforcement personnel to carry concealed weapons in any US state separate from any local ordinances. Per the HR-218 bill, in order to be considered qualified Retired Law Enforcement Officer:
- The officer must be retired and in good standing from their employing agency (other than for reasons of mental instability);
- The retiree was authorized to perform the specified law enforcement functions and held a position for which powers of arrest were granted by statute;
- The retiree was regularly employed as a law enforcement officer for an aggregate of 10 years or more before their retirement, or retired from service with their agency.
- Lastly and most importantly – to be a “qualified retired” officer, one has to show proof that they qualified, during the past 12 months, and met the standards that their agency required of active law enforcement officers, or met the state standards established by the state in which they resided.
1 Days | 2 Hours – $75
LEOSA HR218 - 2 Hours
Range Training
Live Fire firearms qualifications are 50 rounds per firearm. The officer will receive a card that denotes the action type of the firearm they qualified with. Officers who intend to carry a firearm must have qualified with a similar firearm to the one they plan to carry with. In order to be eligible to carry in the US as a retired LEO the officer must carry with them the proof they qualified in the last 12 months and their respective department ID.
Range Training:
Eye Protection and Hearing Protection (Rentals Available)
The firearms that will be listed on your permit
Recommended: 3 Magazines | Speed Loaders
50 Rounds of ammunition for each firearm type you wish to qualify with
Appropriate range attire: Close toed shoes. No V neck style shirts. Dress for the weather considerations, the shooting range will be outdoors on the day of your qualifications. Sunscreen, and hats are recommended.
Hydration and Food – Range is not within walking distance of a convenience store bring snacks and waters.
Do I need to qualify with every weapon I carry?
No. The qualification covers any firearm of a similar action. For example: If you qualified with a Smith and Wesson M&P 9, you could carry a SW M&P shield or other similar firearm, but you would not be able to carry a Double Action revolver because it is an entirely different action type. If you intend to carry different firearm types, you must qualify with each.
Do I need to qualify with different calibers of the same firearm?
No, The qualification covers any firearm of the same type. Qualifying with a Glock chambered in 9mm will cover you to carry a Glock chambered in 45acp.
Can I carry under LEOSA if I am a previous Law Enforcement officer?
In order to qualify you MUST be in possession of a retired photo ID card issued by your previous agency. Without an Agency ID you MAY NOT carry under the Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act and you will have to abide by any local CCW permitting requirements.
Who can issue the qualification course of fire?
Instructors who perform the qualification must be Law Enforcement Handgun Firearms Instructors or have attended a POST Certified Handgun Instructor Course.
Will you issue my permit?
We provide all qualified officers with a copy of their qualification sheet denoting a successful completion AND a wallet sized card that denotes successful completion of the course of fire. The date on the qualification serves as proof of the live fire qualification. The date on the card must be within 1 year, must be carried with you, along side your department issued retired photo ID.
California Department of Consumer Affairs Course of Fire
This course of fire is utilized as our standard course of fire. The course of fire is shot on a standard B27 target. The target zone is any shot within the 7 ring target zone. For your convenience the target zone is highlighted within the yellow area. The course of fire is 50 rounds total. The distances are 15,7,5, & 3 yards. There will be a portion that is fired 1 handed with both the dominant hand and the support hand. A passing score is 40 out of 50 rounds within the scoring zone.
Retired / Current LEO’s may also elect to fire their own agencies qualification. When doing so please ensure that you bring the agencies respective qualification sheet in an official department letter head or form, so the range master may follow the correct course of fire.
About our Shooting Ranges – Lopez Canyon in Sylmar CA
The course of fire is shot at an outdoor range. Coordinates and bay will be provided to students upon booking. Please note: This range is NOT open to the public. Access to the range is restricted to club members and trainers conducting courses. For your convenience you can use the map below. All bays have cover and seating. There is adequate restrooms and parking. For most cell carriers, reception will be limited once you approach the range. The road is accessible by vehicles with low ground clearance. Please drive slowly when approaching the range. Do not kick up dust or disturb the wildlife when approaching the ranges. The range is located approximately 10 mins from our classrooms. If you are commuting or ridesharing, an instructor can offer you transportation from the classrooms to the ranges. Once on the range, you may bring equipment to the bays but DO NOT uncase any firearms until instructed to do so. CCW / LEO’s you may remain holstered, do not unholster or clear any firearms until instructed to do so.

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Southwest Training Center
“Committed to Excellence”
10285 Glenoaks Blvd #6, Pacoima, CA, 91331